
Kent's Play at School

Tonight was Kent's Spring Program at school.  We were supposed to be there at 6:15, but that didn't happen.  We ended up being late and getting bad seats.   So, just to let you know... this video isn't the greatest.  I discovered that my camera also records video, and it's a little shaky.
If you want to hear the sound, you'll need to mute the music on my play list.  


Brenda said...

Ok this is really a bad thing for a Nana to say but which one is my grandson? Is it the tall shy boy in the gray t-shirt with blue ball cap on? They are all cute.
Love - Mom :-)

elaine said...

awww...so cute! we missed you last night!

Amanda said...

Your too sweet, Elaine! I REALLY missed you guys too! The play was super cute, but I need girl time! ;-)

Jennifer Skoff said...

I missed both of you last night(if your talking about the SS party). I wish I could have been there. Amanda, I just love looking at your beautiful family pics.