
Update On Life

Well, I don't have anything exciting to post about.  I have been meaning to blog, but just can not find the time.  This is so weird to me.  I usually check my email two or three times a day and blog at least once or twice a week, but here lately, I'm pooped!  This whole working thing is wearing me down!  I know, I know... I'm a weenie!!!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job, the problem is keeping up with my regular house "chores".  By the time I get home, all I want to do is go to bed!  Maybe in another week my body will adjust.  :-)

On the other hand, the kiddos are doing great in school.  Kent, is bringing home tests with perfect scores and doing so well.  Grace, has made several new friends and is a big help to her teacher.  When I picked her up today she said, "Mommy, today I got my tenth sticker because I didn't get my name on the board and I got to get a prize in the treasure chest!  Aren't you proud?  You didn't think I could be quiet that long?"  Yes, it's true, it's a miracle!  I never dreamed Gracie could sit quietly.  She is the most outgoing, confident, sweet little girl and Billy and I are so proud, but shocked at her accomplishment!  Amos, is doing great as well.  He got bit the first week of school but is doing fine.  His sweet teacher, Mrs. Amy, told me about how she had to sit him in "time out" one day,  but I'm sure there are more I don't know about!  Overall, he is doing wonderful and loves going to school with mommy.

Aren't kids funny?  I don't know what I would do without them! They always make my life fun and totally worth every tired minute.  I'm sure I'll have some more great school stories in the next week!  Hopefully, I will get around to blogging them!   :-)

I hope everyone has a great three day weekend!


Jennifer Skoff said...

I love your blog!! Your pictures are just to cute. Callie has also gotten in trouble once in class. She was rough housing(go figure).

See you tomorrow,

Jamie said...

Sounds like you all are doing well. Hope you get adjusted to your new schedule soon.