Our good friends, the Wilson's, came over last week for dinner. It's been a long time since we've gotten together.
We miss you guys!
Amos, Grainger, Kent, Zander & Gracie
This past weekend was my 29th birthday!!! My mom took me shopping on Friday and we met my Grandmother and my two Great Aunts for lunch.
Shopping isn't one of Amos' favorite things, but he was such a trooper! He was very well behaved and was rewarded with ice cream at lunch!
Saturday, Billy, took me and the kids to Shogun (my favorite). I have to say... it was very entertaining! Between watching our little chef toss food in the air and the kids eating with chop sticks, I was amused!
I forgot my camera, so no pictures at Shogun. :-(
On Sunday, my dad and his wife, Loretta, took us out to eat at Market Place (another favorite). We stuffed ourselves and had the best dessert ever!
Me and my Dad

Pawpaw and the three monkeys!

This isn't the best picture of Amos, but it's pretty funny!
Okay, one last random thought....
Gracie had been running around with one of her front teeth about to fall out of her head. It was so wiggly, I thought she might accidentally swallow it!
Well, her daddy tried to pull it, but she was screaming and sweating so bad he finally gave up and tied a string to it. The poor thing walked around the house for 30 or 40 minutes with a string dangling out of her mouth, because she wouldn't let Billy pull it!
When Gracie least expected it, Kent, reached over and YANKED it out! Let me tell you.... she screamed SO loud I thought the neighbors might come over! It took quite a while for her to settle down, but when she did, she was excited it was over. And gosh, she is SOOOO adorable when she smiles!